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  • 所属单位:北京大学
  • 担任职务:教授
  • 擅长领域:细胞生物 细胞核蛋白



主要工作简历: 2011.08-今:北京大学基础医学院,细胞生物学系,教授 2001.10-2011.07:北京大学基础医学院,细胞生物学系,副教授 1995.10-1998.06:首都儿科研究所,生化与免疫,副研究员 1993.10-1995.09:首都儿科研究所,生化与免疫,助理研究员 1991.09-1993.09:首都儿科研究所,生化与免疫,实习研究员 教育经历: 1998.07-2001.07:德国Freiburg大学,生物学,博士 1988.09-1991.07:首都儿科研究所,生化与免疫,硕士 1982.09-1988.07:北京医科大学,临床医学,本科 研究方向: 细胞核仁蛋白在肿瘤发生中的作用机制及在肿瘤治疗中的作用
主要研究内容: 对肿瘤相关的核仁蛋白在RNA Pol I的转录以及Ribosomal RNA(rRNA)加工过程中的作用机制进行研究;同时,阐明核仁蛋白在介导p53和RB的降解以及c-Myc的稳定中的作用及机制。对核仁乙酰转移酶在激活RNA Pol I转录、参与18S rRNA的加工中的作用进行研究;发现在DNA损伤时,核仁蛋白通过乙酰化p53激活p53的转录活性;在细胞处于能量应激时,核仁蛋白调控核糖体发生与细胞自噬之间的转换。同时,核仁蛋白在有丝分裂中发挥重要作用。 承担的研究项目: 主持国家自然科学基金共7项、国家863计划项目1项、北京市教育委员会科技成果转化与产业化项目1项;参与973项目2项、创新团体3项。 近期主要发表文章:(*责任作者) 1. Jingyi Zhang#, Pengwei Ren#, Da Xu#, Xiaofeng Liu, Zhenzhen Liu, Chunfeng Zhang, Yuan Lia, Lijun Wanga, Xiaojuan Du*and Baocai Xing*. Human UTP14a promotes colorectal cancer progression by forming a positive regulation loop with c-Myc. Cancer Letters. 2018, 440-441(2019) :106-115. 2. Xiaofeng Liu, Shiying Cai, Chunfeng Zhang, Zhenzhen Liu, Jianyuan Luo, Baocai Xing* and Xiaojuan Du*. Deacetylation of NAT10 by Sirt1 promotes the transition from rRNA biogenesis to autophagy upon energy stress. Nucl Acids Res., 2018 Oct 12;46(18):9601-9616. 3. Tong Zheng, Min Lu, Ting Wang, Chunfeng Zhang, Xiaojuan Du*. NRBE3 promotes metastasis of breast cancer by down-regulating E-cadherin expression. BBA Mol Cell Res.2018, 12(1865) : 1869-1877. 4. Huijiao Liu, Jiangnan Wang, Yun Liu, Min Lu, Lelin Hu, Chunfeng Zhang, Baocai Xing and Xiaojuan Du*. Human U3 protein14a is a novel type ubiquitin ligase that binds RB and promotes RB degradation depending on a Leucine-rich region. BBA Mol Cell Res., 2018, 1865 :1611-1620. 5. Yuqin Tan, Jiaojiao Zheng, Xiaofeng Liu, Min Lu, Chunfeng Zhang, Baocai Xing, Xiaojuan Du*, Loss of nucleolar localization of NAT10 promotes cell migration and invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.2018, 499: 1032-1038. 6. Ma T, Lu C, Guo Y, Zhang C, Du X*. Human U3 protein 14a plays an anti-apoptotic role in cancer cells. Biol. Chem.2017, 398(11):1247-1257. 7. Cai S, Liu X, Zhang C, Xing B, Du X*. Autoacetylation of NAT10 is critical for its function in rRNA transcription activation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.2017, 483: 624-629. 8. Liu X, Tan Y, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Ren P, Deng H, Luo J, Ke Y, Du X*. NAT10 regulates p53 activation through acetylating p53 at K120 and ubiquitinating Mdm2. EMBO Rep. 2016, 17(3): 349-366. 9. Wang Y, Zheng Z, Zhang J, Wang Y, Kong R, Liu J, Zhang Y, Deng H, Du X*, Ke Y*. A novel retinoblastoma protein (RB) E3 ubiquitin Ligase (NRBE3) Promotes RB degradation and is transcriptionally regulated by E2F1 transcription factor. J Biol Chem. 2015,290(47):28200-13. 10. Jin KM, Liu FF, Gu J, Du XJ*andXing BC*. N-WASP is highly expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma and associated with poor prognosis. Surgery.2013, 153: 518-25. 11. Wu J, Zhang Y, Wang, Y, Kong R, Hu L, Schuele R,Du X*and Ke Y*. Transcription repressor NIR functions in the ribosome RNA processing of both 40S and 60S subunits. PLoS ONE.2012, 7(2): e31692. 12. Song JM, Lu M, Liu FF, Du XJ*and Xing BC*. AIB1 as an independent prognostic marker in hepatocellular carcinoma after Hepatic Resection. J Gastrointest Surg.2012, 16: 356-360. 13. Kong R, Zhang L, Hu L, Peng Q, Han W, Du X*and Ke Y*.hALP, A novelt-UTP, activates polymerase I transcription by binding and acetylating the upstream binding factor. J Biol Chem.2011, 286(9): 7139-48. 14. Hu L, Wang J, Zhang L, Kong R, Zheng Z, Han W, Du X*and Ke Y*. A small ribosomal subunit (SSU) processome component, the human U three protein 14a binds p53 and promotes p53 degradation. J Biol Chem.2011, 286(4): 3119-28.




