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1. Jie Yang, Derrick Cumberbatch, Samuel Centanni, Shu-qun Shi, Danny Winder, Donna Webb, Carl Hirschie Johnson, Coupling Optogenetic Stimulation with NanoLuc-based Luminescence (BRET) Ca++ Sensing, Nat Commun. 2016   27;7:13268.  (IF: 11.329)

2. Jie Yang, Liang Wang, Fei Yang, Haiming Luo, Lingling Xu, Jinling Lu, Shaoqun Zeng, Zhihong Zhang, mBeRFP, an Improved Large Stokes Shift Red Fluorescent Protein. PLOS ONE, 2013. ( IF: 3.057)

3. Shun Liu, Xiangyong Li, Jie Yang, Zhihong Zhang*. Low false-positives in an mLumin-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation system with a bicistronic expression vector. Sensors, 2014, 14:3284-3292.

4. Liang Wang, Min Chen, Jie Yang and Zhihong Zhang. LC3 fluorescent puncta in autophagosomes or in protein aggregates can be distinguished by FRAP analysis in living cells. Autophagy 9:5, 1–14; 2013 (IF: 9.108)

5. Shun Liu, Jun He, Honglin Jin, Fei Yang, Jinling Lu, Jie Yang*, Enhanced dynamic range in a genetically encoded Ca2+ sensor, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun, 412, 155–159, 2011. (通讯作者) (IF:2.371)

6. Haiming Luo, Jie Yang, Honglin Jin, Chuan Huang, Jianwei Fu, Fei Yang, Hui Gong, Shaoqun Zeng, Qingming Luo, and Zhihong Zhang. Tetrameric far-red fluorescent protein as a scaffold to assemble an octavalent peptide nanoprobe for enhanced tumor targeting and intracellular uptake in vivo. FASEB J, 0892-6638/11/0025-0001, 2011. (IF:5.299)

7. Jie Yang, Zhihong Zhang, Xin A Zhang, Qingming Luo. A Ligation-independent Cloning Method Using Nicking DNA Endonuclease. BioTechniques 49: 817-821, doi 10.2144/000113520, 2010. (此文被Faculty of 1000 primer-Biology推荐,见链接: https://f1000.com/prime/6792956) (IF:2.298 ).

8. Jie Yang, Zhihong Zhang, Qingming Luo, Recent Progress in Fluorescent Proteins Research, Acta Biophysica Sinica. Vol.26 No.11: 1025-1035, 2010. In Chinese.

9. Zhihong Zhang, Jie Yang, Jinling Lu, Juqiang Lin, Shaoqun Zeng, Qingming Luo. Fluorescence imaging to assess the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and its inhibitor in vivo. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(1), 2008. (共同第一作者)(IF:2.556)

10. Jie Yang, Zhihong Zhang, Juqiang Lin, Jinling Lu, Bi-feng Liu, Shaoqun Zeng, Qingming Luo. Detection of MMP activity in living cells by a genetically encoded surface-displayed FRET sensor. BBA-Molecular Cell Research, 1773, 400–407, 2007. (IF:6.9)

11. Jie Yang, Zhihong Zhang, Bifeng Liu, Qingming Luo, Real-time detecting gelatinases activity in living cells by FRET imaging. Proc. of SPIE Vol.6026: 60260U-1-8, 2006.

12. Juqing Lin, Zhihong Zhang Jie Yang, Shaoqun Zeng, Bi-feng Liu, Qingming Luo, Real-time detection of caspase-2 activation in a single living HeLa cell during cisplatin-induced apoptosis. J.Biomed.Opt. 11: 024011, 2006. (IF:2.556)

13. Jun Chu, Zhihong Zhang, Ying Zheng, Jie Yang, Linsong Qin, Jinling Lu, Zhenli Huang, Shaoqun Zeng, Qingming Luo. A novel far-red bimolecular fluorescence complementation system that allows for efficient visualization of protein interactions under physiological conditions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, v 25, n 1, p 234-239, 2009 (IF:7.476)

14. Jinling Lu, Zhihong Zhang, Jie Yang, Jun Chu, Pengcheng Li, Shaoqun Zeng, Qingming Luo, Visualization of β-Secretase cleavage in living cells using a genetically encoded surface-displayed FRET Probe. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 362 (1): 25-30, 2007. (IF:2.371)

15. Xiao-Xia Zhu, Yuan-Cheng Cao, Xin Jin, Jie Yang, Xiao-Feng Hua, Hai-Qiao Wang, Bo Liu, ZhanWang, Jian-HaoWang, Liang Yang and Yuan-Di Zhao. Optical encoding of microbeads based on silica particle encapsulated quantum dots and its applications. Nanotechnology, 19, 025708, 2008.

16.Jinling Lu, Jie Yang, Jun Chu, Shaoqun Zeng, Zhihong Zhang, Detection of BACE cleavage in the secretary pathway, Proc. SPIE, 2007.

17. Jinling Lu, Jun Chu,, Jie Yang, Shaoqun Zeng, Luo, Q., Zhang, Z. Detection of β-Secretase Dimerization in Living Cells Using Acceptor Photobleaching FRET. Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics, 35(3): 268-273, 2008. in China.





